Execution deadline in working days
Individual person
Private law legal person
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Receiving restrictions

The right to purchase narcotic/psychotropic drugs in wholesalers in order to ensure their practice shall be the veterinary medical practice establishments included in a special list. In order to include a person on the list, it shall submit to the Service a declaration regarding the activities of narcotic drugs and psychotropic medicinal products.

Process description

  1. Service requests
    The declaration shall be submitted to the territorial unit of the PVD of the region concerned or, if signed with an e-signature, it may also be submitted by electronic mail.

    Documents may also be submitted using the institution's e-address.

    The declaration shall be approved by a merchant of veterinary medical practice. The declaration shall be completed by the representative of the merchant who has the right to sign.

    The service charge is specified in the price list.

  2. Service Processing
    Within five working days of receipt of the declaration, the information provided in the declaration shall be evaluated and a decision shall be taken regarding the listing of the veterinary medical practice authority or the refusal to list.

    The Service shall take a decision regarding the refusal to list a person if the person concerned:
    - do not carry out economic activities in the field of veterinary medical services;
    - within two years prior to the submission of the declaration, a violation of the regulatory enactments regulating the circulation of veterinary medicinal products has been punished, which caused human or animal life or health to be endangered.

  3. Receipt of services
    The Service shall, within three working days after the establishment of the list, send it in the form of an electronic document to the Health Inspectorate, as well as to the wholesalers of medicinal products and veterinary medicinal products who are entitled to distribute narcotic and psychotropic medicinal products.

    The Service shall inform the person in writing or electronically of:

    - the inclusion of a person on the list, within three working days of taking the decision, indicating the date of the inclusion and the registration number;
    - a refusal to list a person, a decision to suspend the activity of a person for a period of three months or to exclude a person from the list - in accordance with the procedures specified in the Administrative Procedure Law.